Baths and Colognes

Baths and Colognes
Our baths and colognes are highly concentrated and very potent. They are made by real rootworkers, using all natural ingredients. Colognes and bath are for the purpose of ritual, spellwork, and spiritual cleansing. They can be used to wash floors, cleanse altars, call forth spirits, lay tricks, dress mojo bags and other items, and in spiritual baths. All of our colognes and baths are hand prepared and made with fresh herbs, high quality essential oils, and fragrant perfumes. The biggest benefit of our products is that they are absent of the dyes and artificial ingredients found in store bought products.
***Descriptions below will indicate whether product is a cologne or bath. Colognes are made with an alcohol base. baths are slightly less fragrant and are recommended for those that have skin and smell sensitivities***
CECILIA’S BLESSING (cologne)- This is a very special recipe given to me directly by my spirit guide. Cecilia’s Blessing is a homemade spiritual cologne made for the purpose of cleansing, banishing negative energies, and promoting spiritual activation.
ABSOLUTION (bath)- For purification especially after performing left hand works (cursing, hexing, binding, etc).
MATADOR (cologne)- For increasing your power, leadership. confidence, motivation, focus, and drive. Great for domination work or when paired with tools that increase your will power.
MARIA’S BATH (bath)- This refreshing bath is designed to invoke ancestors and spirit guides. Maria’s Bath contains fragrant ingredients made to cleanse, bless, and protect from negative energies.
LIBERTI (bath)- Originally made for my mother, Liberti is a traditional “bitter bath” made to purify and stabilize the aura as well as remove hexes, jinxes, and cross conditions. It is highly recommended that one follows this bath up with a “sweet bath” such as Sweet Life. Pairs wonderfully with Black Madonna oil.
MONEY TREES (cologne)- For wealth and prosperity work. Great for washing the floors of your business or office in order to increase business and attract clientele.
NOT TODAY SATAN (bath)- The ultimate cleansing bath for removing/banishing any unwanted energy, attachments, or hexes. Ideal for empaths, mediums, children, and those that are psychically sensitive.
ORACLE (bath) - For lucid dreaming and increased intuition. Ideal for those working on their psychic development.
THE SWEET LIFE (cologne)- For attraction, increased magnetism, and manifestation.
UNBOTHERED (cologne)- Promotes peace and mental clarity. Great for calming chaotic energies, stopping arguments, releasing anger, and settling restless spirits.
WHITE BATH (bath)- Traditional white bath for cooling the head and invoking good health.