Commission Of Spirits: Part 2
Let’s cover some more types of spirits.
Take a moment to listen to this quick lecture on the commission of spirits
This family consists of all warriors, soldiers, rebels, and revolutionaries across all cultures. Warrior spirits tend to be heavy in a person’s spiritual court if they are in need of constant protection or are prone to spiritual warfare. Warrior spirits tend to be hot, aggressive, assertive, and confrontational. Despite this they bring powerful lessons on fearlessness, leadership, teamwork, and protecting oneself.
Street Entities
Sex workers, gamblers, hustlers, gangsters, mercenaries, and other spirits that operate on the fringes of society all fall into the category of street entities. They’re called this because they are, quite literally, for the streets. This commission of spirits are extremely important because they bring balance to the practice of Spiritism. They dispel the myth that one has to be perfect, pure, and holy to be spiritual. I’ve witnessed various street entities manifest as powerful agents of healing. I can admit that this commission is one of my favorite groups to work with.
Street entities are a diverse group and can find their way into a person’s spiritual court for a myriad of reasons. They can be hot or calm, boisterous or laid back, violent or peaceful, tricksters or straight forward- but they are always honest, helpful, and full of wisdom. I find this commission to be the easiest to work with as they do not judge. And because they are the closest to our lived experience they often respond fast to requests in a way that’s completely unbiased. Street entities are experts in money spells, gambling luck, love work, domination spells, and legal situations.
Healers & Herbalists
This family of spirits deals specifically with herbs and healing. They are usually the midwives, kitchen witches, curanderos, granny healers, and gardeners. Having this commission in one’s spiritual court is an amazing asset because they share the secrets of plant medicine and healing, providing recipes and ways to use herbs. They also support those that make and sell natural products such as teas, oils, skin care products, tinctures, etc.
Prophets, Seers, Diviners, & Fortune Tellers
This is another commission of spirits that is a huge asset to have in ones spiritual court as they deal directly with prophecy and divination. They are great to engage if you are wanting to develop your skills in scrying, cartomancy, bibliomancy, lucid dreaming, palm reading, fortune telling, or any other form of divination. This family of spirits tends to be very protective, watchful, and alert. Because they know the future they will often reveal to you things that are to come.
Saints & Archangels
This commission of spirits is unique in that it’s one of the few that can be introduced into your spiritual court. Saints and archangels will answer anyone’s petitions indiscriminately, therefore they will work with anyone that approaches them. There are instances where one can inherit a particular saint. This usually happens when there’s a patron paint that the family has served for generations, passing from one person to the other.
Saints and Archangels constitute the Catholic pantheon but one doesn’t have to be Catholic to work with them. Because they are celestial beings, there is no limit to the miracles they can work on your behalf.
ATR/DTR Essences
ATR (African Traditional Religion) and DTR (Diasporic Traditional Religion) commissions refer not so much to the deities within these practices, put to the spirits that where either priests of these deities or served them while living. This can include the Mambos and Houngons of Vodun, the Olorishas of Orisha, or the Tatas and Yayis of Palo.
This commission can be tricky and tends to cause confusion when properly identifying these spitits because when they appear they have so many characteristics of the deity they represent that sometimes they can be mistaken for that deity. Therefore when this commission of spirits reveals itself it’s important to fully investigate it before making any final determinations about its nature and intentions. All in all, these spirits are usually present in a person’s spiritual court when that person has some ancestral dealings with an ATR or DTR. They also signal a possible need for initiation.
I wanted to make mention of some other spirits that one may find in their spiritual court but that may not fall within the previously mentioned categories. Some, such as the Hindu, Anima Solas, and Arab commissions, are an entire family of spirits of their own. Others are solitary figures such as St. Expedite, Santa Muerte, Martha Dominadora. These spirits can either already be present in one’s court or be incorporated. A few, such as Anima Solas and Santa Muerte can personally request your service.
Week 3 Journal Prompt
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