Living Authentically, Living Your Life's Purpose

Originally published on April 3, 2015 on

There has been so much going on that I don't even know where to begin  But I can happily say that in the seven months since I moved to Atlanta I have either accomplished or planted a seed for everything I set out to do here. I'm teaching yoga, launched my holistic company, traveling, building my healing arts and communal living community, figure modeling, sharing poetry, and getting into my healing studies. I've advanced my own spiritual practice and have started my shamanic training as well as learning pranic and tantric healing arts. Personally I have deepened my connections with others by living in my truth and maintaining an open relationship with my Beloved. However each consort I engage has been a beautiful mirror and teacher. Each one has given me the space to expand my heart-letting go of past hurts and unhealthy ways of moving through the world.

Lately my feelings have been full of wonderment and gratitude. Every time I'm on the train passing the beautiful Atlanta skyline I marvel at the fact that I'm living in the city I've always wanted to live in. Every time I connect with a member of my community I feel welcome, humbled, and supported. Every time I teach a yoga class, step on the podium to art model,  grab the mic to share poetry, or complete a healing session with a client I feel joy that I'm doing exactly what I have been called to this earth to do. I am living my life's purpose.

I've been reflecting a lot on what exactly it means to live your life's purpose. In my experience it means being present to your inner voice and humble enough to seek guidance from those that are sent to be teachers. It means being one hundred percent authentic, open, and receptive because sometimes our purpose means we have to detach from the things we think we want that directly interfere with what we are meant to do. And sometimes we have to change patterns of behavior that hinder us and that also requires complete authenticity. You have to be fearless, vulnerable, and very self-aware. You have to pull yourself out of the matrix of modern society and let go of the need to be validated by others. You have to cultivate patience, faith, and a lot of acceptance. And, most importantly, you have to grow the fuck up. Owning your life's purpose also means owning all the responsibility that come with it.

When I take a step back and look at the bigger picture I realize that so many things truly don't/didn't matter in the grander scheme of things. Every situation, every connection is a lesson meant to push you towards your purpose. Every thing I've experienced over the past four years is an example of that. When I was so busy being caught up in the drama of what the Universe was trying to show me I lost the lesson. I was knocked off my path. And I suffered. But now I am grateful for the insight-for the people and situations that did what they were supposed to do to put me exactly where I am in this moment.

"With great respect and love, I honor my heart, my inner teacher." ~Tantric Yoga Prayer